Benchmarking for SizeUK
Mr. R. M. Allen(1,2),
Ms. J Bougourd(3),Mr. R A J Staples(1),
Dr. C Orwin(4),Dr. M Bradshaw(4)
DC RPS, Ministry of Defence, Skimmimgdish Lane
Caversfield, Bicester,
Analysis Ltd, 3 Brick Cottages,
of Textiles,
This paper discusses the methodology used to assess 3D
whole-body acquisition systems for use in the
The objective of SizeUK
was to conduct a sizing survey of approximately 5,000 men and 5,000 women in
order to promote improvements in retail garment fit and sizing standards. The
sizing survey was conducted using 3D whole-body acquisition systems, both to
reduce the measurement time and cost per subject, and also enabling body shape
to be captured, which is not possible by manual
tape measurement.
Keywords: Scanning, Benchmarking, 3D, Whole, Body,
Scanner, Sizing, Survey, Anthropometry.
To enable the selection of the most suitable 3D body
scanning systems, the project conducted a Scanner Bechmarking
exercise of candidate 3D scanners. This consisted of 2 phases; Phase 1 –
Scanner Manufacturers’ Self-Assessment, Phase 2 – 3D Centre Assessment.
Overall, the selected 3D scanner(s) were required to
collect accurate body measurements in a rapid and cost-effective way from a
large proportion of the
requirements for satisfactory scanning are set out below:
Size – a wide
range of body sizes, e.g., for women US size 4 to 24, EU size 36 to 54,
Skin colour - from very
light to very dark skin pigmentation.
Head hair - light
colour to black; length short to long; loose or styled. A manufacturer may choose to specify that
some subjects must wear head caps, or that some subjects’ heads must be
measured manually.
Body hair - up to thick body
hair. Again, the manufacturer must
specify any necessary procedures in order to obtain accurate body surface
Perspiration - scanner to
deliver accurate body surface data in the presence of normally encountered
levels of perspiration.
The manufacturer
needs to specify any necessary conditions or instructions for satisfactory
operation of that scanner, including pose, breathing, etc. These conditions should also specify the
underwear to be worn (e.g. fabric type, colour, style).
Scanner Benchmarking – Phase 1
Phase 1 was
conducted entirely by the scanner manufacturers for convenience, and to reduce
time and costs. Phase 1 is composed of four parts; (i),
a questionnaire asking general questions about the scanner (Table 1); (ii), a
form to record 6 measurements taken from a mannequin; (iii), a form for 9
measurements taken from a female subject (ideally this subject will be dark
skinned); (iv), a declaration of which of 132 desired measurements the scanner
can capture, both currently and with further short-term development, along with
the corresponding measurement accuracy (where known). Short-term,
for the purpose of these requirements, is defined as no longer than 2 months
from the date of the declaration. The manufacturers were requested to
provide an indication of the measurement accuracy of their scanner.
Contact Details |
Product Name |
Contact Person |
Company Name |
Postal Address |
Web Address |
Telephone Number |
Fax Number |
Email Address |
Body Measuring
Systems |
Retail cost of system |
$ |
Rental cost of system |
$ |
What type of PC or workstation is required? |
Volts |
Amps |
Power supply |
Length |
Width |
Height |
Dimensions of whole-body capture device |
Minimum floor space for a whole working system (excl. dressing room) |
Dimensions of the active scanning volume |
3D Data |
Number of capture heads |
Number of sample points |
Time to capture a whole body |
Can users access the raw data points? |
Colour image (texture) captured of subject? |
Formats for data exchange |
Typical data file size |
Scanning Pose |
Number of scans per subject required to collect data of whole body |
Scanning poses of subject (e.g. body erect; legs and arms apart) |
Subjects |
Min. and max. size of women who can be successfully scanned and
processed |
Min. and max. size of men who can be successfully scanned and
processed |
Min. and max. size of children who can be successfully scanned and
processed |
Extraction |
How many body measurements can be extracted fully automatically? |
How many body measurements can be extracted semi-automatically? |
Are there facilities for manual measurement extraction? |
questionnaire aimed to gather basic information on the scanning system, such as
size, scanning speed, hardware characteristics, software characteristics,
subject pose, accuracy and cost.
Each scanner
manufacturer was asked to carry out two scanning tasks, and a fill in a paper
questionnaire these were;
The first data
gathering exercise was to scan and manually measure a clothing mannequin, and
extract six measurements :
Bust – the maximum horizontal bust girth, as measured on
the mannequin.
Waist – the minimum horizontal circumference on the
Hips – the horizontal hip girth, as measured on the
mannequin round the buttocks at the level of maximum circumference.
Bust height – the vertical distance between the horizontal bustline of the mannequin and the ground.
Waist height - the vertical distance between the horizontal
waistline of the mannequin and the ground.
Hip height - the vertical distance between the horizontal hip
level of the mannequin and the ground.
Table 2
extracted automatically or manually from scans |
Total number of
scans |
Measurement |
Number of scan measurements within range of manual
measurement |
Manual |
Smallest from scan |
from scan |
±0.5cm |
±1cm |
±1.5cm |
>1.5cm |
Bust girth |
Waist girth |
Hip girth |
Height of bust
from floor |
Height of waist
from floor |
Height of hip
from floor |
The second data
gathering exercise is to scan and manually measure a female subject, ideally
with a dark skin. The measurements to be gathered are based on the draft
European Standard CEN/TC 248/WG 10 N 34 (Size Designation of Clothes –
definitions and body measurement procedures):
Bust girth – the maximum horizontal girth measured
during normal breathing with the subject standing erect and the tape-measure
passed horizontally under the armpits (axillae) and
across the bust prominence.
girth – the horizontal
girth of the body immediately below the breasts,
Waist girth – the girth of the natural waistline
between the top of the hip bones (iliac chest) and the lower ribs, with the
subject breathing normally and standing erect with the abdomen relaxed.
Hip girth – the horizontal girth measured round the
buttocks at the level of maximum circumference.
Height – the vertical distance between the crown
of the head and the soles of the feet, measured with the subject standing erect
without shoes and with the feet together.
Bust height – the vertical distance between the bust
level and the soles of the feet.
Waist height – the vertical distance between the waist
level at the right side and the soles of the feet.
Hip height – the vertical distance between the hip
level and the soles of the feet.
Inside leg length – the distance between the crotch and the
soles of the feet, measured in a straight line with the subject erect, feet
slightly apart, and the weight of the body equally distributed on both legs.
For the live scan,
the subject was scanned a number of times (e.g.
five). For each scan the subject entered
the system, had a scan taken, and then left and re-entered the measurement
system for the next scan. It had to be specified
whether the
measurements were extracted automatically or manually from the scans.
Table 3
extracted automatically or manually from scans |
Total number of
scans |
Measurement |
Number of scan measurements within range of manual
measurement |
Manual |
Smallest from scan |
from scan |
±1cm |
±2cm |
±4cm |
>4cm |
Bust girth |
Underbust girth |
Waist girth |
Hip girth |
Height |
Bust height |
Waist height |
Hip height |
Inside leg length |
Manufacturers were asked to tick which of the
measurements their scanner was capable of recording, along with measurement
accuracy where known (e.g. + 2cm). The full list of measurements is not
contained in this paper.
Scanner Benchmarking – Phase 2
Based on the
results of the Phase 1 Assessment, a subset of systems were
proposed for the next round of tests listed in Table 3.
Company / System |
Address |
Contact name |
Nearest system |
Automated measurement extraction |
Cyberware WB4 and WBX |
Steve Addleman |
ü men
only |
Hertfordshire AL7 1BW |
Duncan Stacey Atsushi Tsujimura 01707 294888 |
ü |
Inspeck, Inc. |
Christian Rochefort +1 514 284 1101 |
û |
[TC]² Textile/Clothing Technology Center |
NC 27511-7909 |
David Bruner +1 919 380 2156 |
[TC]², |
ü |
TecMath Vitus Pro and Vitus Smart |
Human Modeling Sauerweisen 2 |
Christian Lott +49 (0)6301 606 300 |
ü |
Telmat |
6 Rue De L'Industrie 68360 Soultz |
Jean-Loup Rennesson |
LCF, |
ü |
Wicks and Wilson Limited |
Hampshire RG22 6PQ |
Bob Brash 01256 842211 |
LCF, |
Software from [TC]² |
Phase 2 Methodology
Analysis of the
systems can be divided into four categories:
(i) Visual appraisal of data quality:
scan assessment
colour, size & shape of subjects, degree of hairiness, Subject Movement
(ii) System operation, etc.:
operation and usability
features and usability
costs and service agreement
For each system
tests will be carried out at the test site (on-site
tests) over three days:
questions and observations:
Storing… Retrieving Scans
and Shape Software features
extraction (can be done after on-site testing)
(iv) Measurement extraction from scans of mannequin and living subjects:
measurement extraction from scans, using interactive tools
measurement extraction using proprietary software
measurement extraction using standard software (Hammamatsu)
Analysis of Results
Visual appraisal
To ensure image appears to have minimal data loss due
to any of the factors above e.g. movement and measurement volume. Fabric
samples were used to assess the scanners performance against various coloured,
contrasting (either within a pattern or against skin tone) or surface finished
System Operation
To assess ease of
operation, i.e. skill level of operator and extent of automation.
On-site Questions and observations
All systems were found suitable by all subjects. There
were no problems in data storage or retrieval. Each manufacturer demonstrated
their systems capabilities with regards to size and shape software. There were
great variations between systems on price, rental agreements etc.
Measurement Extraction
The main criteria for choosing a scanner for the
SizeUK survey was measurement repeatability and number of measurements that
were statistically, significantly the same as
the manual measurements taken during the benchmarking.
The statistics test used was the t-test. However some
of the scanning systems were so variable on their measurement extraction that
limits had to be applied to the measurement variation. These values were taken
from Chapter VII of ‘1988 Anthropometric
Survey of US Army Personnel: Methods and summary statistics – Gordon et al’.
The following method was used:-
4 Teams of Measurers
Subject was Landmarked in morning and measured twice
by one set of measurers.
subject was re-measured by a new team using the same landmarks from the first
were only refreshed if required.
repeated on day 2 but teams changed roles.
mean of the absolute differences was calculated for each pair of investigators,
for each dimension.
Allowed Error was the rounded maximum of the four measures.
5 Allowable Errors From US Army Survey
the Allowed Error is matched in the U.S Army Survey their Allowed Error is
no matched measurement exists, then 1.0 cm is assumed.
The two following graphs illustrate the reasons for
using allowable errors:-
Graph 1 Graph
with small variation between scans Scanner with large
variation between scans
The significance of the above example is that a
scanner with very large variations between scans can ‘statistically’ perform
very well in the t-test. But obviously they are so variable that they would
perform extremely badly in use. If however applied limits of variation are set
then these scanning systems will be eliminated and only systems displaying a
high degree of reproducibility will pass.
During the evaluation process it was found that
several systems exhibited large variations in results between scans, this could
be due to several reasons:-
In summary some
scanning systems showed extremely variable results, which displayed no trend or
offset that could be determined, these errors made it impossible to recommend
the use of these scanners for SizeUK. However 2 scanning systems displayed
repeatability levels greater than manual measurement and were therefore judged
as suitable for SizeUK.
However the final
factor that swung the decision was the fact that the [TC]2 software
was customisable to such an extent, that only 9 out of the 157 measurements
required for SizeUK needed to be
extracted manually. These were:-
Weight, Height,
Back Neck to Elbow (bent), Back Neck to Wrist (bent), Hand Length, Hand Girth,
Head Girth, Head loop , Armscye Girth.
SizeUK has
developed a procedure that can be used successfully to assess the performance
of 3D scanning systems for use in anthropometric surveys. The system that was
chosen displayed all the characteristics of the original goals i.e.
Overall, the selected 3D
scanner(s) are required to collect accurate body measurements in a rapid and
cost-effective way from a large proportion of the UK population, including men,
women and children. The survey subjects
will be scanned wearing underwear.
The exception was
for children. No scanning system was acceptable for children due to movement
during capture, or poor data capture, we await future developments to solve
this problem.